What Is Restylane®?

Dr. Beverly Held

Skin Cancer

Restylane® is a brand of hyaluronic acid–based facial fillers used to smooth wrinkles. Different types of Restylane can be used for various needs, including lip enhancement, targeting lines around your mouth, adding volume to your cheeks, and minimizing dark circles under your eyes.

Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in the connective tissue of skin, so it’s most commonly used in aesthetic procedures. Almost anyone can get Restylane® since the procedure is easily done and recovery is quick.

You should avoid Restylane® if you’re:

  • allergic to bacterial protein
  • immunocompromised
  • taking blood thinners
  • pregnant or breastfeeding
  • under age 21

How does Restylane® work?

Restylane® works by placing volume underneath your skin where you’ve lost collagen and other tissue. This helps smooth out and lift skin, making it look plumper. The hyaluronic acid in Restylane® clings to your skin and the water in the acid provides volume. The acid also attracts more water, helping to preserve the recently added volume.

The Procedure for Restylane

Restylane is a fairly easy cosmetic procedure. It can be done right in your doctor’s office and involves no incisions. It’s usually done with local anesthesia to minimize any discomfort you might experience.

Depending on how much work you’re having done and the procedure itself, Restylane injections can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour.

The procedure can be broken down into several steps:

  • Your doctor will choose one or more injection sites in the treatment areas and clean these areas with antiseptic.
  • Your doctor will decide how much Restylane is needed.
  • Your doctor will inject the Restylane under your skin into the treatment areas using an ultrafine needle.